Artwork in and around Queanbeyan Public School

The Rainbow Serpent follows a path around Queanbeyan Public School.

As it snakes through the school grounds, we discover and walk through some of the Aboriginal art around our school:


The Head of the Rainbow Serpent and its fine details:

Created by students, staff and community members with the assistance and guidance of Duncan Smith.

Created by students, staff and community members with the assistance and guidance of Duncan Smith

A series of murals surround the library building. Local features, such as the Queanbeyan River and  bogong moths, are present.

The Platypus is represented on our school logo and lives in the river:

Created by students with the assistance and guidance of Billy T.

Created by students with the assistance and guidance of Billy T

The school’s latest mural is a work in progress. It will help the demountable building blend in with the nearby trees, plants and animal artworks in the bush tucker garden.

DSC_0026 Created by students with the assistance and guidance Scott Russell as well as members of the local Artist’s Shed.

Created by students with the assistance and guidance Scott Russell as well as members of the local Artists Shed

This artwork was created by students who made individual panels and then combined them into one unified artwork.

Created by students in 2C in 2008.

Created by students in 2C in 2008

Local community member and artist Duncan Smith created this artwork:


A trio of pieces by Artist Dale:

The handprints of students past and present shadow the serpent around the corridors:

The official QPS Coolamon and shield:


Students from different classes all contributed to create this piece that was inspired by Aboriginal art. Student first learned about each symbol and their meaning before etching their story.

Created by QPS students with the assistance and guidance of Sandra Sterland in 2014.

Created by QPS students with the assistance and guidance of Sandra Sterland in 2014

Contributed by Queanbeyan Public School published in 2015.